
Happy Women’s History Month!

Welcome to our website, we are so happy you found us! Listen to Her UNF is an online publication and campaign produced entirely by students at the University of North Florida. You can learn more about the team behind our campaign in the “Who We Are” section.

The idea behind this project is to promote local and student creatives and share what our community is doing for Women’s History Month 2022. We are working with students in our Women Writer’s course to promote four main subjects throughout the month, including “Women in Education,” “Defying Common Tropes in Film,” “Diversifying the Feed,” and “Women and Mental Health”.

Stay tuned for exciting content including book reviews, words from experts in the field, Spotify playlists, campus involvement spotlights, and more! Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @listentoher.unf to stay up to date on recent posts and publications!
